오늘 시작한 로봇 클래스 사진입니다. 이 아이들..얼마나 멋있게 자랄까..기도하며.. 기대합니다!!
28 Aug 2017.. Another Robotic Coding week started at Olmotonyi Forest Secondary School. School assembled students for us to introduce the program and invite students to a new after-school program. what a joy to see so many young smiling faces!
A nice computer room was provided for the workshop with 15 students who registered previously. 2 hours each day for 5 days.
All the lessons are done by our local staffs using their mother tongue, Swahili as well as English; programming, Algorithm, debugging ^^.
It will be a great eye-opening experience to build a robot and to move them with their own code. They will find it easy since it will use Block coding. I cannot wait to see how happy they will be when they watch their code works.
Another team has been teaching at another school for a few weeks. We believe that they will be the future of this community and their country. We wish there are more robotic sets so we can open more classes at more schools!!

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